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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/22 文件大小:152 KB





文档介绍:thrift of excellent traditional a nd style l ack deep of understanding, one-side d think in now of good situati on Xia, e conomic smoot h more fast deve lopme nt, and reform made major progre ss, a nd people living significa ntly improve , and social the career ma de ne w progre ss, no nece ssary always har d has, no awarene ss to Chi na also has ma ny poverty area, and also ha s many poverty populati on of exists, more livi ng improve has, m ore nee d keep hard of style. Thre e is not strictly honest. otal thought units i s a water se ctor, clea n self-discipli ne away from himself too far, no real processing good livi ng of improve a nd hard, a nd t hrift excellent traditi onal of relationshi p, no effective do comply wit h Constituti on and party of regulati ons m ust from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationshi p, no right aware ness to in comply with Constitution and party of regul ations a spe cts everyone has a ccounta bility. Four, future directi on and im provement measures 1, belief a nd faith, strengthe n party spirit. One i s to firmly establish the noble i deals of struggle for the ideal s of communism, communist struggl e for life,
ready to sa crifice everythi ng for the party and the people. Se cond is t o continuously impr ove the quality a nd sta ndar d of political, conscienti ously study Deng Xiaoping t heory a nd "three re prese n