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服务品质管理 个人论文.doc

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服务品质管理 个人论文.doc



文档介绍:企业赢取市场公信力话语主导权最佳路径兰州大学管理学院 09 级工商管理硕士班朱颖内容提要: 社会转型期随着传统价值观的解构和文化价值取向多元共生及一切以物质财富为衡量标准, 忽视精神层面, 导致以崇尚物质享受追求贵族消费或游戏人生、浮躁等为特征的后物欲时代的来临。那些原本应为社会公众提供各种优质的生产或生活的服务( 产品) 供应主体—工商企业, 置身经济民主化和文化民主化氛围里, 当其现状与期望难以一致特别是分配与享受的期望目标达不到时,相继步入不思进取、不愿学****精神迷失、为富不仁、欺诈拐骗、以劣充优等诚信崩溃, 市场公信力沦丧的服务品质滑坡, 服务行为失泛令人堪忧的泥沼难以自拔。这为强调政治文明, 生态文明, 精神文明构建和谐社会的主旋律相悖, 且严重的阻碍我国小康社会建设的进程。当今社会服务作为一种新的生产力与生产方式已经越来越强调服务能力、服务方式、服务品质管理; 使整个社会的生产力逐步从自然, 机器, 技术形态的生产力转变为服务形态的生产力, 成为社会转型期企业赢取掌握市场公信力话语主导权的最佳路径。关键词: 转型期、企业服务创新、服务品质管理、服务形态生产力、市场公信力、话语主导权 Abstract : Social Transformation With the deconstruction of traditional values ?? and cultural values ?? and all symbiosis, as measured by material wealth, ignoring the spiritual level, lead to the noble pursuit of materialistic consumption or enjoyment of the game of life, impetuous as the characteristics of the era of post-materialism . Those who were supposed to be providing the public a variety of high quality production or living services (products) of the main - businesses, exposure to the democratization of economic and cultural atmosphere of democratization, when it is difficult to expect the same situation and especially the distribution and enjoyment of When reach the desired goals, one after another into the lazy, unwilling to learn, the spirit lost, as the heartless, fraud, abduction, superior to inferior charge credit collapse, the market credibility of the decay and th