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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/23 文件大小:121 KB





文档介绍:positi on-related consum ption of civil servant s has bee n swe pt by fina nce, consumer, r egardless of cost, extravagance and waste i n the civil service position-relate d consumption, a buse, corruption and embe zzlement, corr upti on i s importa nt. Then, under the conditi ons of market econom y, how t o reform the existing civil duty consumpti on ma nagement, ex plores a source t o preve nt and curb t he post consumpti on corr uption way, is currently a major issue face d by honest w ork. Recently, I conducted re search on this issue, thi s pr oblem on some humble opi nions. First, the exi sting publ ic servants ' duty consum pti on t he main problems se en from the investigation and reasons, in re cent year s, publi c serva nts ' duty consumption cause d by t he abuse s and not a per son of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Governme nt, its operation or der have a negative ef fect on the party a nd Governme nt organs, seri ously damagi ng the image of the party a nd t he Governme nt, undermining th e relationshi p between party and the ma sses, effect, openi ng up and economic construction. From I County in re cent year s of governance situation see, positions consumpti on i n the produce d of "two not" phenomenon re nderi ng four a feat ures: a i
positi ons consumption system l ost ha s due of binding, rig ht is greater t han r ules, a nd rig ht is greater t han met hod of phenomenon m ore hig hlight; II is i n positi ons consumption in t he Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumpti on i nto has personal consumpti on, will corpor ate point s to i nto personal points to, makes positi ons consumpti on i n some aspects has i nto positi ons enjoy a nd self-deali ng of mea ns; three is t o positi ons consumption for name , fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corr upti on phe nome na such as corr uption a nd misa ppr opriati on; four palace s, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, a nd post consumption b e


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