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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/10/23 文件大小:112 KB





文档介绍:positi on-related consumption of civ il serva nts has be en swept by finance, consume r, regar dless of cost, extravagance and waste i n the civil service position-relate d consumpti on, a buse, corruption and embe zzleme nt, corruption is important. T hen, under t he conditions of market econom y, how t o reform the existi ng civil duty consum ption manageme nt, expl ores a sour ce to prevent a nd cur b the post consumpti on corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducte d resear ch on t his issue, thi s problem on some humble opi nions. First, the existing publ ic servants ' duty consumpti on t he main problems seen from the inve stigation a nd re asons, i n re cent years, publi c serva nts ' duty consumption cause d by t he a buses a nd not a person of i ntegrity, i s one of the major probl ems in t he party in Governm nt, its operation or der have a negative e ffect on the party and Governme nt organs, seri ously damagi ng the image of the party and t he Gover nment, undermining the
relationship betwee n party a nd the masses, effect, openi ng up a nd economi c constr ucti on. From I County in re cent years of governa nce situation see, positi ons consum ption in the produced of "two not" phenomenon re nderi ng four a features: a is positi ons consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater tha n rule s, and right is greater t han method of phe nome non more highlight ; II is i n positions consum ption i n the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, w ill positions consum ption i nto has per sonal consumpti on, w ill cor porate poi nts to int o persona l points to, makes positions consum ption in some aspects has i nto positi ons e njoy and self-dealing of means; t hree is to positions consumpti on for name , fraud, false im personator, Trend of negative corrupti onphe nome na such as corruption and misappropriation; four palace s, follow the fashi on, rivalrie s, wasteful , and post consumpti on became a