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6 Multiuser capacity and munication.pdf

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6 Multiuser capacity and munication.pdf



文档介绍:CHAPTER 6 Multiuser capacity and munication In Chapter 4, we studied several specific multiple access techniques (TDMA/FDMA, CDMA, OFDM) designed to share the channel among sev- eral users. A natural question is: what are the “optimal” multiple access schemes? To address this question, one must now step back and take a fun- damental look at the multiuser channels themselves. Information theory can be generalized from the point-to-point scenario, considered in Chapter 5, to the multiuser ones, providing limits to munications and suggesting optimal multiple access strategies. New techniques and concepts such as essive cancellation ,superposition coding and multiuser diversity emerge. The first part of the chapter focuses on the uplink (many-to-one) and downlink (one-to-many) AWGN channel without fading. For the uplink, an optimal multiple access strategy is for all users to spread their signal across the entire bandwidth, much like in the CDMA system in Chapter 4. However, rather than decoding every user treating the interference from other users as noise, a essive interference cancellation (SIC) receiver is needed to achieve capacity. That is, after one user is decoded, its signal is stripped away from the aggregate received signal before the next user is decoded. A similar strategy is optimal for the downlink, with signals for the users superimposed on top of each other and SIC done at the mobiles: each user decodes the information intended for all of the weaker users and strips them off before decoding its own. It is shown that in situations where users have very disparate channels to the base-station, CDMA together with essive cancellation can offer significant gains over the conventional multiple access techniques discussed in Chapter 4. In the second part of the chapter, we shift our focus to multiuser fading channels. One of the main insights learnt in Chapter 5 is that, for fast fading channels, the ability to track the channel at the transmitter can increase
