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韩国留学 德国留学 新西兰留学 出国留学 美国留学 澳大利亚留学 法国留学
Sample Therapy Recommendation
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to endorse ________'s application to your program. For the last 25 years at _________ University, I have been a psychotherapist and instructor in the Counseling and Student Development Center, as well as supervisor to many interns and social work students. I hope my perspective will be helpful to you as you evaluate this exceptional candidate.
My first contact with_______ was during the summer of 1997, when she organized a summer conference outside of _________ for teenagers interested in communication skills. During the course of the week, _______ presented material with such ease and humor that she set the tone for the entire workshop. Her creative ideas for presentations and activities were inventive and entertaining; they were also astonishingly effective.
With participants from a variety of backgrounds, there was often conflict, and occasionally confrontation. While setting limits, _______ managed to respond consistently with respect and compassion. The experience had a profound effect on the participants and, because of _______'s exceptional skill and professionalism, she has been invited by many schools to offer similar workshops
During the time I have known ______


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