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文档介绍:2014 年6 月大学英语六级真题及答案 2014 年6 月大学英语六级答案解析( 233 网校) 作文整体解析: 跟去年 12月份的六级相比,作文难度依然保持不变。这次六级作文的题目则中规中矩,同去年题材相似, 都是引语论述题,这也是课堂上给各位学员重点强调的未来一段时间大学英语六级作文的命题方向,就是想办法拜托作文模板,考查考生的逻辑思辨和分析能力,进而考出考生真正的英语语言应用能力。比如“ Why is it unwise to jump into conclusions upon seeing or hearing? ”很像辩论赛的题目, “是眼见为实还是眼见为虚”,结合社会现实和英语谚语“ seeing is believing ”,要透露出的信息其实就是“ seeing is not believing ”,扩展开来就是要通过大脑去分析。如最近火热的文章和马伊利,表面上看起来是真爱,但是结果却令人叹息。所以得到文章结论。同理的还有“ It is unwise to put all eggs in one basket. ”。而“ It is unwise to judge a person by appearance. 不要以貌取人”。其实不管怎样出题,快速形成自己的观点,联系社会现实和考生自己总是其中不变的规律和大学四六级针对在校大学生的考试特点。参考作文 1: why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. There isa Chinese saying goes like this: men cannot be judged by their looks. I cannot agree with this point of view any more. On the one hand, though a charming appearance will leave a good impression on others, one ’s look can seldom reflects his or her qualities, capacities and ethics. We cannot say those who are good-looking are more capable and more cultivated than those who are average-looking or ugly-looking. There are so many people who do not have good appearances have made great achievements for the progress of mankind, such as Stephen William Hawking who are even crippled. On the other hand, our appearances are decided by our genes, which are inborn, while our qualities can be cultivated as we grow. We can enrich our minds by