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文档介绍:key word ? 1. decorate v. to put things in a room or house to make it more beautiful ??装饰,点缀? eg: He decorated his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures 。??粉刷;油漆? Eg:The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time 。 ,装潢;装饰品;勋章 d ecorative adj. 装饰的,装潢的 d ecorator 2. egoist n. a person who talks too much about oneself and believes that one is better or more important than other people 自私自利者;固执已见的人;自负者 eg: That is the perfect e goist . egoistic adj. 自私自利的;任性的 egoistical adj. 以自我为中心的;自私的 egoism ;自私自利 3. exasperate v. to irritate or annoy greatly 激怒;触怒 eg: ? Oh, you exasperate me! 你要气死我啊? He shouted in an exasperate voice. exasperating adj. 使人恼怒的 exasperation exasperator ? flap : v ; to (attemp to) give a light blow at sth with a flat object 1. 拍打;拍击? I flapped the flies away but soon they flew back 我把苍蝇赶走,但一会儿又?飞回来了 2. 使(上下,前后地)拍动,飘动;(鸟)振(翅) Some doves were flapping their wings over the square 有几只鸽子在广场上空振翅飞翔。?3. 拉下(帽)的边 4. 扔,掷?5. 唤起... 注意,鼓动?名词 n. [C] 1. 拍动,拍打;拍打声、?2. 垂下物;(袋)盖;(帽)边;(信封的)盖口 3. 激动;慌乱? flap down 垂下 be in a flap 在激动中慌作一团? flap about 闲聊讲空话 flap away 拍走拍去拍着翅膀飞去? flap off 拍走拍去拍着翅膀飞去 flap out 扑灭灯火? Haunting :adj. beautiful in a way that makes you feel sad and remember sth for a long time ? adj. 萦绕心头的; 不易忘怀的; 无法甩脱的; 给人以强烈感受的? The film ‘ s haunting musical theme stayed in my head for days. 那部电影挥之不去的主题旋律多日来萦绕于我的脑际。?; 缠扰(某人); 萦绕心头? haunt ;使苦恼,困扰;布满? hauntingly adv. ? Each one of these ancient towns is haunting ly beautiful .这些古镇个个都美得令人难以忘怀. ? hover :v to stay somewhere because you are waiting to do sth or because you cannot decide what to do ?1. ( 鸟等)盘旋;(直升飞机)停留在空中 The helicopter hovered over the house 直升飞机停留在那房子上空?2. 徘徊;停留 The dogs hovered around me while I was fixing their dinner .我给狗儿们弄吃的时候它们围着我转。?,彷徨? She is hovering between life and death . 她在生死之间徘徊。?名词 n. 盘旋;徘徊,犹豫?:副词: hoveringly ? hover over 停留于, 盘旋于; 威胁? Seagulls hover over the surgi