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上传人:fangjinyan2017001 2021/10/25 文件大小:15 KB





文档介绍:初期给予红花注射液对大鼠脑出血后血肿周 围细胞凋亡的阻碍
【摘要】目的探讨大鼠实验性脑出血后初期不同时刻注射红花 注射液后,对血肿周围细胞凋亡及细胞凋亡相关蛋白等指标的阻碍。 方式 将96只SD大鼠随机分成红花医治组、出血对照组、正常对照组, 各组又再分成出血前24h、出血后0、六、1二、24h医治组。各组均 于脑出血后第72h处死,取脑,持续切片做TUNEL染色和免疫组化染 色。观看不同时刻用药对大鼠神经功能评分、血肿周围细胞凋亡数量 及凋亡相关蛋白Caspase-3和Bcl-2/Bax等指标的阻碍。结果 与出血 对照组相较较,各药物医治组的神经功能评分降低、Bcl-2/Bax蛋白 比值增高、Caspase-3蛋白阳性细胞数减少、TUXEL阳性细胞数减少; 红花注射液组在脑出血前24h和脑出血后Oh给药医治的Bcl-2/Bax 蛋白比值低于脑出血后六、1二、24h医治组、Caspase-3蛋白阳性细 胞数高于脑出血后六、1二、24h医治组;在大鼠脑出血后6h、12h、 24h注射红花注射液,出血灶周围Caspase-3阳性细胞慢慢增多、 Bcl-2/ Bax比值慢慢降低,出血后6h给药医治组的TUNEL阳性细胞 数低于出血后24h医治组。结论 在不同时刻给予红花注射液医治脑出 血大鼠,均能不同程度地增进脑出血大鼠神经功能的恢复,其中术后 6h给药组医治成效最好,其可能通过增进Bcl-2蛋白的表达,抑制Bax 和Caspase-3蛋白的表达,从而抑制血肿周围的细胞凋亡。
The effect of Safflor injection on cell apoptosis around the hematoma in the early time after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage in rats
[Abstract ] Objective To study the effect of Safflor injection on apoptotic cell and protein about apoptotic cell in the early time after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in 96 rats were randomly divided into the remedial group with ICH and the contrast group including ICH contrast group with ICH and normal contrast group without ICH. Then each group of rats were divided into five groups which were 24 hours remedial group before ICH of rats, 0, 6, 12 and 24 hours remedial group after ICH of rats. All rats involved in the experiment were killed on the 72nd hour following ICH. The immunohistochemical method was performed in rat brain by using antibody caspase-3 or antibody bcl-2, bax. TUXEL method was used to detect apoptosis around the Compared with ICH model group, Safflor injection could significantly alleviate neurological system damage symptoms, heighten the ratio of bcl-2/bax, and reduce the number of caspase-3 positive cell and the number of TUXEL positive cell around hematoma in I CH rats. The number of caspase-3 positive cell of Safflor group treated before I CH 24 hours ahead, after I CH 0 hour were more than that of Saff