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文档介绍:第2页 /总页数 4 页

★英语口语频道为网友整理的《法律英文口语精选》,供大家参考学****br/>Section III: Warrantless and Consent Searches

This section discusses when a warrantless search may be legally justified because the person in control of the property is said to have agreed to it.

18. If I Agree to a Search, Is the Search Legal Even If a Police Officer Doesn't Have a Warrant or Probable Cause to Search?

Yes. If a defendant freely and voluntarily agrees to a search, the search is valid and whatever the officers find is admissible in evidence.

For example, assume that Officer Mayer knocks on the door of Caryn-Sue's house. Officer Mayer suspects that Caryn-Sue is part of a group of suspects who are making pirated videotapes, but the officer lacks probable cause to search her house or arrest her. When Caryn-Sue answers the door, the following conversation takes place:

Officer: Good afternoon. I'm Officer Mayer. Is your name Caryn-Sue?

Caryn-Sue: Yes, it is. What can I do for you, officer?

Officer: I'm investigating the production of pirated videotapes, and I'd like to talk to you.
第2页 /总页数 4 页

Caryn-Sue: Well, I'm not sure I can help you. I'm not under arrest or anything, am I?

Officer: No, but you may have information that can help the investigation. Do you mind if I come in and look around?

Caryn-Sue: I'm in the middle of a couple of things. Could you