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Treatise on the Thwan 1, or king Wăn's Explanations of the entire Hexagrams
 I. 1. Vast is the 'great and originating (power)' indicated by Khien! All things owe to it their beginning:--it contains all the meaning belonging to (the name) heaven.
2. The clouds move and the rain is distributed; the various things appear in their developed forms.
3. (The sages) grandly understand (the connexion between) the end and the beginning, and how (the indications of) the six lines (in the hexagram) are accomplished, (each) in its season. (Accordingly) they mount (the carriage) drawn by those six dragons at the proper times, and drive through the sky.
4. The method of Khien is to change and transform, so that everything obtains its correct nature as appointed (by the mind of Heaven); and (thereafter the conditions of) great harmony are preserved in union. The result is 'what is advantageous, and correct and firm.
5. (The sage) appears aloft, high above all things, and the myriad states all enjoy repose.
 II. 1. Complete is the 'great and originating (capacity)' indicated by Khwăn! All things owe to it their birth;--it receives obediently the influences of Heaven.
2. Khwăn, in its largeness, supports and contains all things. Its excellent capacity matches the unlimited power (of Khien). Its comprehension is wide, and its brightness great. The various things obtain (by it) their full development.
3. The mare is a creature of earthly kind. Its (power of) moving on the earth is without limit; it is mild and docile, advantageous and firm:--such is the course of the superior man.
4. 'If he take the initiative, he goes astray:'--he misses, that is, his proper course. 'If he follow,' he is docile, and gets into his regular (course). 'In the south-west he will get friends:'--he will be walking with those of his own class. 'In the north-east he will lose friends:'--but in the end ther