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文档介绍:1. What is culture?
On the surface: customs and behavior More deeply: what the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following them
In a word: Culture is all about meanings
Hall: Culture is everything and everywhere
4・ What is Communication?
It comes from the Latin word “communicare”,it means to give or to exchange. Now,the most common meaning of “communication” is to give or exchange information or ideas*
Communication is our ability to share our ideas and feelings, (the basis of all human contact)
Communication is a dynamic,systematic process in which meanings are created and reflected in human interaction with symbols. ()
Elements of communication
Context (location, time, light,temperature, seating arrangements)
Participants (relationship, gender, culture)
Messages (meanings, symbols, encoding
and decoding)
Channels (sound, sight,smell, taste, touch)
Noise (external noise, internal noise,
semantic noise)
Mode of Communication
Linear Model of Communication
Is this an effective model of communication ?
Interactive Model of Communication
Feedback is essential to good communication
5・ Characteristics of communication
1) Communication is dynamic
2) Communication is in teractive
3) Communication is irreversible
4) Communication takes place in both a physical and social con text.
6. Intercultural Communication
• Samovar & Porter
Intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.
intercultural communication refers to any communication between two members of an
1 cultural communities.
Intercultural Communication
Cross-cultural Communication
Cross-cultural communication
the similarities and differences in value orientations, affective dispositions, relationship management, communicative styles (psychological process)
Intercultural communication
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