文档介绍:仪容仪表规范 Appearance & Grooming Standards at Building Material Marketing Center 为提升公司良好的社会形象,展现 XX 的精神风貌,进一步实施规范化管理,特制定本规范。本规范适用于 XXXX 及海外分公司人员(包括当地外籍员工)的仪容仪表管理。 This Standards are designed to promote corporate images and cultural charm of the M arketing C enter as well as standardize management, which are applicable to all members of staff (include local foreign employees) who work in Building Material Marketing Center and oversea branches with regard to appearance and grooming. 第一章总则 Chapter I General 在工作时间,作为公司员工,要注意仪表,为体现 XX 人员高效,严谨的办事效率和作风,公司员工仪表和着装总体要求必须庄重,得体,整洁,大方,并应严格执行本规定。 All members of staff are required to keep proper grooming at working time, to highlight high-effective and rigorous working style and attitudes possessed by XX International . Grooming and dressing are required to be formal,suited to the occasion, neat and decent in accordance with this Standards. 第二章仪表规范 Chapter II Grooming Standards 第一条所有 XXXX 及海外分公司人员(包括当地外籍员工)在上班时间,尽量穿着正装,着装必须得体,大方,整洁,方便,不得穿奇装异服。 Article 1 All members of staff(include local foreign employees) who work in Building Material Marketing Center and oversea branches should take formal, neat and decent dressing suited to the occasion. No bizarre clothes are allowed. 第二条男员工的着装要求具体如下: Article 2. Specific requirements for male staff dressing: 1. Summer dressing 1) XXXX 及海外分公司男员工(包括当地外籍员工)在工作期间,着白衬衣,下着深色西裤、商务休闲裤,并穿皮鞋或既不露脚趾也不漏鞋跟的皮凉鞋。会见客