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文档介绍:Unit 5 Topic: Parents ’ Love Text A: Father Dearest Leading in and Exploring the topic Leading in and Exploring the topic ?? Say something Say something about your father about your father ?? How has your How has your father shown his father shown his love and care for love and care for you? you? Vocabulary Snapshop ☆ video ?n. [C] (a) videotape recording 录像 They asked the visitors to watch videos about the product. How do bine traditional classroom techniques with the use of video ? adj. 1. connected with or used in the showing of pictures by television 电视的;视频的 Can video signals be received? municate with a video -phone. 2. using videotape We'll show you the video recordings after the discussion. A video recorder on the desk caught her eye. ☆ pause vi. stop for a short time before continuing 停顿 The sick old man paused to catch his breath. The speaker paused for a moment and then continued. n. [C] a short but noticeable break in an activity, speech, etc. (活动、谈话等的)停顿;暂停;间断 They talked for three hours without a pause. It makes sense to require a pause in the research on this problem. ☆ recall vt. 1. bring back to the mind ; remember 回想;回忆;记起 I remember seeing him some years ago, but I can't recall where it was. Professor Richard recalled the past events with much regret. 2. take back 撤消;收回;招回 We have decided to recall the order of those cars. The soldiers have been recalled by the general. ☆ direction n. 1.(plural) instructions on what to do or how to do something 指引,用法说明 Their request for more help, more information and more directions did not get any reply from their boss. Many cookbooks have plicated directions. 2. [C; U] the point or position towards which a person or thing moves, faces, or is aimed 方向;方位 The enemy broke ranks and ran in all directions. With body movements alone, bees can tell each other the direction in which they are moving. ☆ content n. 1. (singular) the amount of the stated substance


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