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文档介绍:1 名词解释 concept The idea that consumers will favor products that offer the most in quality, performance, and features and that anization should therefore devote its energy to make continuous product improvements. For instance, Kodak assumed that consumers wanted photographic film rather than a way to capture and share memories and at first overlooked the challenge of digital cameras. Although it now leads the digital camera market in sales, it has yet to make significant profits from this business. 2. Integrated marketing program Integrated marketing program prehensive plan municates and delivers the intended value to chosen customers 。 perceived value The difference between total customer value and total customer cost. For example, FedEx customers gain a number of benefits. By using FedEx, customers may receive some status and image values. Using FedEx usually makes both the package sender and receiver feel more important. When deciding whether to send a package via FedEx, customers will weigh these and other perceived values against the money, effort, and psychic costs of using the service. Moreover, they pare the value of using FedEx against the value of using other shippers — UPS, Airborne. They will select the service that gives them the greatest perceived value. development A strategy pany growth by identifying and developing new market segmen


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