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玩偶之家 读后感.docx

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玩偶之家 读后感.docx

上传人:aluyuw1 2016/7/10 文件大小:0 KB


玩偶之家 读后感.docx


文档介绍:1 Analyze “A Doll ’s House ”-----The truth often was hidden behind the appearance. The drama “A Doll ’s House ” was written by Henrik Ibsen, and it can be regarded as Ibsen ’s masterpiece. In the three ACT, it has described the main protagonist Nora ’s change process. In the early time, she cared for her husband Torvald, and she also trusted in her husband. But, in the later, their relationship was broken, and Nora ran away from her house. Finally, Nora got rid of her doll figure. The drama has three ACTs, the first ACT can be regarded as the introduction. The third ACT is the main plot in the drama, and it seems like the result. In the third ACT, people ’s characteristic is exposed thorough. The second ACT can be regarded asa base function. In the drama, Ibsen not only described Nora ’s awakening. He written a few people, and these characters had their own personality, and these personality reflected the drama ’s topic. With these person ’s characteristics, the author has revealed that some unknown truth were hidden behind the appearance. In the drama, behind the sweet happy relationship between Nora and Torvald, it hid some contradictions, and it led to a broken in the family. Next, I will analyze the characters and plot, and interpret why the truth often was hidden behind the appearance. In the beginning, Nora loved her husband, and she devoted herself to the family. She bou