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上传人:书生教育 2021/10/31 文件大小:113 KB





文档介绍:高考英语词汇复****熟词生义 ”再练
1. absorb (熟 : )
(2015 高·考天津卷 )Absorbed in painting ,John didn ’ t notice evening approachingvt.. 心于 I haven ’treally had time to absorb everything that he said. ,掌握
2. abuse( 熟 : v. 用; )
She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she has much abuse at .
3. accommodate (熟 : ,留宿 )
This hotel can accommodate more than 500
5. accompany (熟 : ,伴随 )
The wellknown singer was accompanied at the piano by . vt. ⋯⋯ 伴奏或伴唱
6. account ( 熟 : n. 目 )
(2015 ·考福建卷高 )It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent. vi.(在数量、比例方面 )占
There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper. n. 道,叙述
7. act (熟 : v.& ,行 )
The act is passed by the Congress finally.
(2014 ·考安徽卷高 ). ..acts as a remote control for TVs and videos.
8. address(熟 : ; )
It is said that our headmaster will address the ⋯⋯ 表演 ;直接向 ⋯⋯
9. acknowledge (熟 : ;道 )
He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. ⋯⋯ 打招呼
10. admit (熟 : ;允 入 )
The great hall can admit 5,000
11. affect (熟 : )
The audience was deeply affected by his lecture.
Be careful not to be affected with Ebola.
12. against (熟 : ,反 ;倚,靠;碰;与 ⋯⋯ 争 )
(2014 ·考福建卷高 )Against this background , the fact that there is an argument within the
Government over whether to publish an official report... ⋯⋯ 背景下
13. age(熟 : )
Worry aged him rapidly. vt.(使 ) 老
14. aggressive(熟 : ;侵略的 )
If he wants to succeed, he has to be . 取的
15. air (熟 : ;航空 )
We’ ll be onair in about 3 minutes.
Don’tair your troubles too often. v.
There was a comfortable air about her room. n. 子,气氛
16. al


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