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女性不如男性吗?-Are Women Inferior to Men 3000字.doc

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女性不如男性吗?-Are Women Inferior to Men 3000字.doc

上传人:学习好资料 2021/11/1 文件大小:12 KB


女性不如男性吗?-Are Women Inferior to Men 3000字.doc



文档介绍:女性不如男性吗?-Are Women Inferior to Men_3000字
Are Women Inferior to Men?
I had always believed that men and women in our country were not only equal in social position but also in intelligence. But when I first entered the college, I found that some boy students seemed indeed to be more intelligent and much quicker at understanding than girl students. I felt somewhat inferior, and I began to doubt whether I could succeed. Are men and women really equal in intelligence? I am often troubled by the question. Then I happened to got hold of a book about Madame Curie. I was deeply impressed by her strong will power. Madame Curie worked hard so she became a top student in her university. After graduation she became a well-known physicist and some years later she got the Nobel Prize. From then on, she became a great encouragement to me in my study. Where there is a will, there is a way. At last I became the top student in my class and got the first prize in the English and physics competitions. This made me fee certain that women are no less clever than men. Besides, I was also active in physical exercises. I joined the track and field team and took part in ping-pong competitions. I was really proud of myself for being the women's all-round champion①


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