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上传人:sunny 2021/11/2 文件大小:33 KB





just only know fur, text level, writing ability is still in a low level interface. The knowledge is not complete, especially it is very little about professional some departments know knowledge, to write Chinese but not false, sometimes rely on online writing or presentation of ready-made one-sided materials, unwilling to make a deep thinking, put all sorts of things together, the presentation quality is not high, due to the overall quality of their own quality is not high, the leadership of departments can not understand, it is difficult to stand in the perspective of leadership to think of thinking, lack of overall To grasp, not very good understanding of theand efficient, , discipline, strict with oneself and honor and disgrace and other aspects of the problem, more solid and effective to carry out self-examination analysis on the activities of the check analysis of the problems such as the following:One, the existing problems and the performance of the table1, the lack of systematic education and learning are still learning to cope with the presence of thought. Mainly do not take the initiative to learn in school, lack of consciousness. Only limited to the provisions of the study subjects did not当前,随着时代的进步,物质条件的富足,我们的生活条件也得到了改善。在当今社会一些不良因素的影响下,我们很多学生也形成了贪图享受、铺张浪费的不良消费观。很多同学不顾家里的经济实力盲目互相攀比:穿名牌服装,手机、电脑、MP3等已成为学生必备品。校园里浪费资源的现象也非常严重:人走灯不灭,人离水不停,食堂里