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怎样干制与保藏红枣 (1) - 副本.doc

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怎样干制与保藏红枣 (1) - 副本.doc

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怎样干制与保藏红枣 (1) - 副本.doc



文档介绍:红枣的干制综述高娜摘要: 20 世纪 80 年代以前,红枣干制主要是自然制干, 80 年代以后,主要采用人工烘炕制干。虽然其干制效率较自然制干明显提高, 浆枣大量减少, 但枣果于制质量较自然制于降低,果***泽加深,肉质变软,抗压力降低,枣果极易变形,影响外观品质。随着加工技术的发展, 果品蔬菜脱水技术逐渐提高, 采用远红外线技术、真空脱水技术等, 不但能保持制干枣果的优良品质, 使其营养成分损失降低到最低限度, 而且干燥效率高, 枣果颜色鲜艳, 果形端正, 外形丰满, 干净卫生, 不带病菌, 商品价值高, 有条件的地方可选择使用。 Abstrac t: 20 Before the 1980s, mainly natural dried red dates, dried, 80 years later, the main system using artificial drying kang dry. Although the efficiency of its more natural dried significantly improved, a significant reduction in plasma jujube, jujube in the system, but a more natural system in the lower quality flesh color deepened, flesh soft, anti-stress reduction, jujube easily deformed, affecting the appearance quality . With the development of processing technology, a gradual increase in fruit and vegetable dehydration technology, the use of far infrared technology, vacuum dehydration techniques, not only to maintain the fine quality of dried jujube, to reduce nutrient losses toa minimum, and dry, high efficiency, jujube brightly colored, fruit-shaped upright, full shape, clean and sanitary, without germs, high value goods, local conditions may choose to use. 关键词:红枣干制贮存红枣是我国的特产, 我国枣产量以山西、陕西、河北、河南、山东最多, 产量约占全国总产量的 90 %以上。干制红枣以其营养丰富、滋补作用强,在东南亚各国久赋盛名。我国是世界上唯一出产红枣的国家, 年出口量约为 8000 吨, 出产红枣主要为金丝小枣、鸡心枣、红枣、婆枣、稷山板枣等。红枣最原始、最直接的销售产品就是干枣。目前在我国红枣的干制品种和干制量占整个枣品种和产品的 80 %以上。其干制质量的好坏,直接影响着枣农的经济利益。一、干制红枣的特点 1、红枣在进行烘烤时