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文档介绍:Feedback of Brave Heart S3 In this November Holidays, I watched a film, name is fact, this isnot the first time I watched this I was a child ,about aybe I was too young ,I don't have much i mpression, the feeling of the film is that Wallace isa hero,I even can't remember the other part of the second time I watched the film in the long summer vacation after the college entrance examination,after that time I remembered the story,Wallace is aware of the struggle for freedom away, of course, that melodious Scottish this time I feel different from the past. It isa1995 American epic drama film,the winner of Oscar Prize. It is the story ofone of Scotland's greatest national heroes Sir William Wallace. leader of the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long, ultimately essful struggle to free Scotland from English rule in the late 13th century . King Edward "Longshanks"of England, has occupied much of southern Scotland, and his oppressive rule there leads to the deaths of William Wallace's father and brother. Years later, after Wallace has been raised abroad by his uncle, the Scots continue to live under the iron fist of Longshanks' cruel laws. Wallace returns, determined to rid his country of its English oppressors. Wallace seeks the assistance of Scottish nobles but who lent him only grudging support as most