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审计 盘点.xls

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审计 盘点.xls

上传人:aluyuw1 2016/7/12 文件大小:0 KB


审计 盘点.xls



文档介绍:physical inventory summarisation 1 abtain 2 check summaries and reconciliations documentation asatdate final costed physical inventroy listings general ledger /control account 存货盘点报告 盘点盈亏报告表盘点盈亏汇总表 3 using information obtained at time of physical inventory 盘点统计表盘点标签和盘点地区(确保所有地区都已标签) 存放在第三方的存货第三方存放的存货特殊存货-不能销售的存货特殊存货-滞销的存货特殊存货-坏损的存货年末及年初几天的出入库单(5-10天) 4存放在第三方的存货数量是否大第三方的书面确认存货数量金额等第三方的资格确认对这些存货的额外控制--如签收和验收的管理,和发出的授权等对这些存货的额外控制--确保存货的所有权,如未被抵押,质押等 5第三方存放的存货第三方的书面确认存货数量金额等并根据此盘点数量是否大第三方的资格确认 supportings for reconciliatons work done agree quantity with count sheet agree with costed inventroy listing shipping and receiving cut -offs agree quantity /amounts tocosted inventroy listings 入库单,出库单,发票,验收单, 审批,签收单调整存货账面价值 shipping and receiving cut -offs during - agree amounts 's reports toTB/control account balance asat JDAsystem/ 利用扫描代替点数 ,核对数量,签字,上传检查存货存放,复核预盘结果复盘已扫描的存货 ,店铺预盘 ,合并盘点结果和库存,盘点差异报告 control sheet 和差异分析报告汇总 for last year, monthly stock . Summary report for stock take last year/month stock take - count tag ========== shop's ledger count and sign on the tag 1 and tag 2 for the stock not in wareshouse, some working for follow up should be done accordingly. speed of scan, is controlled by supperviser of shop shop's ledger ===part1======= result of today's count=====part2========= JDA stock ledger at as of date ?? part 1: shope's surperviser is in charge of it part 2: finance staff and shop's supperviser are both in charge of it reason for part 1 error during the scan error of shop girl, such as error during the selling … reason for part 2 goods in transit goods return to HK and Italy for maintance sales,goods out methodalege: it first. And to do thing step by step. Estimate the time achieve the result firstly. the problems and record the problems during the process in