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文档介绍:-0- GARMIN 手持 GPS 76 定位精度实验摘要导航型手持 GPS ,在实际应用过程中,必须将手持机的 WGS 84坐标系转换为我国应用的BJ54或西安 8O坐标系。其中参数设置正确与否对于提高定位精度是至关重要的。本文主要介绍 GARMIN 手持机 GPS 76在应用时的参数设置,以及对该手持 GPS 的定位精度加以分析验证。经过试验,我们认为该手持机的平面定位精度符合标称精度,但高程定位精度误差较大并且存在高程定位异常的问题。关键词: 手持 GPS ;坐标系;坐标转换;参数设置;定位精度-1- The Experiment of Hand-held GPS Positioning Accuracy Abstract Hand-held GPS-based navigation is widely used in the small and medium-sized areas such as geological survey . Because there are differences between the coordinate systems, in the process of practical application, a handset ’s WGS84 coordinate must be converted to China's Xi'an BJ54 or80 coordinate. Setting the correct parameters or not for improving the positioning accuracy is utmost important. In this paper, I will introduce the parameter setting ofa certain hand-held GPS ,as well as the analysis of positioning accuracy of the handheld GPS . After testing, we believe that the positioning accuracy of the plane of the handset is in line with the nominal accuracy, but it has error for the positioning accuracy of the elevation and it was abnormal for elevation positioning. Key Words : Hand-held GPS; Coordinates system ; Coordinates conversion ; Parameter Setting; Positioning Accuracy -2- 目录引言.......................................................................................................... -1- 第一章手持 GPS 及坐标系统简介.................................................................... -2- 手持 GPS 简介............................................................................................................. -2- GPS 定位原理及其优势............................................................................................. -2- 影响 GPS 定位精度的主要几个因素........................................................................ -3- 手持式 GPS 使用时注意事项.................................................................................... -3- 关于 WGS-84 坐标系统与北京 54 坐标系统............................................................ -3- 第二章关


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