文档介绍:外刊时文---The power of faith信心的力量
The Power of Faith信心的力量
(equity ,公平;/ rally ;,上升)
IF a couple of trading days could sum up the mood of financial markets this year, it has to be August 2nd and 3rd. It has been a switchback year all the way through. The volatility also illustrated how dependent financial markets are on the actions of central banks. Fiscal policy is generally being tightened in the developed world, whether voluntarily (as in Britain) or under pressure from creditors (as in southern Europe). But there is still scope for ary easing in the form of bond-buying programs, financed with newly created money. So investors wait agog for every central-bank announcement, every publication of the latest meeting minutes, every speech by a board member.
Although the markets have often been disappointed by European rescue plans, hope springs eternal that the ECB and the politicians e up with some kind of package that will prevent a break-up of the single currency and stop the continent’s slide into deep recession. When hopes of such a deal rise, investors can be indiscriminate about which assets they buy. In July, European shares, ten-year German Bunds an