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英译汉Passage 1
LONDON 一 From Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II, England was an empire. No more.
Brexit has turned the twilight years of the reign of Elizabeth II into the final chapter in the history of Great Britain. What its partisans, celebrating with flag-waving in the street, tearfully called "Independence Day” will unravel the role that England has played since the 16th century as a great power, along with the City of London's reign as a financial capital of the world.
After Elizabeth I ascended to the throne in 1558, her merchant-venturers began an imperial quest. By Elizabeth IPs birth, Britain's empire spanned nearly a quarter of the globe.
Brexit's fantasy of revived greatness 一 “taking back control” 一 will achieve the opposite. England's wish to withdraw from its union with Europe appears now to have made inevitable Scotland9 s eventual withdrawal from its union with England. It has also placed in doubt the status of Northern Ireland, where a majority also voted against leaving the European Union.
Why did England choose this? The key is not sovereignty but a rejection of ethnic change.
“It's not England anymore,” people told me as I traveled around the coun