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文档介绍:测试用例文档模块名称: 系统登陆测试用例/ 测试数据测试方案 ID 测试方案描述测试用例编号测试用例描述前提条件 TS_VALID LOGIN This scenario tests for the condition when the user enters a right user name and password and is able to sucessfully login TC_VALID_LO GIN_001 Test case for the valid entry of user name and password and essful login The user id abc@ with password xyz should exist in the system. TS_INVALID LOGIN This scenario tests for the condition when the user enters a bination of user name and/ or password and is unable to sucessfully login TC_INVALID_LOGI N_001 Test case for the scenario where the user enters a wrong user name and a wrong password There should be no user id abcd@ existing in the system TC_INVALID_LOGI N_002 Test case for the scenario where the user enters a right user name but a wrong password The user id abc@ with password xyz should exist in the system. TC_INVALID_LOGI N_003 Test case for the scenario where the user enters a right user name but a wrong password The user id abc@ with password xyz should exist in the system. TC_INVALID_LOGI N_004 Test case for the scenario where the user name and password field are blank TC_INVALID_LOGI N_005 Test case for the scenario where the user name is alone blank TC_INVALID_LOGI N_006 Test case for the scenario where the password is alone blank The user id abc@ with password xyz should exist in the system. TS_EXPIRED USER This scenario tests for the condition whe
