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上传人:小雄 2021/11/12 文件大小:86 KB





Module 10
You should look,Cross the road.
You walk in the road.
You eat fruit.
You should say hello my friends.
Module 9
Do you want play chess.
I'm going to you a cake your birthday?
Are you sad?
Yesterday, I(丢失)my book.
Module 8
My school starts nine o9 clock.
We play the playground.
I like Lingling skipping me.
Then we went the classroom.
Module 7
Her mother(帮助)her.
There9s a programme dogs.
This man is blind. He see.
Module 6
You can football well.
Do you want to in our football team?
You are good basketball.
Module 5
There are(太多的)books on the desk.
Give one pencil every child.
I put ten pencils the box.
We've got enough everyone.
There are four are four pencils. enough pencils.
There are six children. There are five chairs.
enough chairs.
Module 4
It isn't(你的).Ifs(我的).
Your red T-shirts are the line.
I washed them you.
This bag isn't(她的).It's(萨姆的).
Module 3
We(参观)lots of places the weekend.
They went there ten o9clock the morning.
They went there bus.
They took photos the mountains.
They walked one hour.
Module 2
We need food our picnic.
bananas do you want? Six, please.
cheese do you want? Half a kilo.
Let's buy one kilo noodles.
Module 1
You9re back China.
We back last Sunday.
I live(附近)Amy and Sam.
Look those ice creams.
Come us.
We met John the park.
in the road cross the road hold my