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文档介绍:1 、封面范例: 黄冈师范学院本科生毕业论文论文题目: An Analysis of the Hemingway ’s Style in The Old Man and the Sea [ 要求: 英文字体三号字] 作者: xxx 【要求:黑体 】专业班级: 英语 200506 班[ 要求: 宋体三号字] 指导教师: xxx 【要求:黑体 】学号: 200513140610 [要求:英文字体三号字] 2012 年4月20日【统一填写此日期】 2 、声明范例: 郑重声明本人的毕业论文( 设计) 是在指导教师 xxx 的指导下独立撰写完成的。毕业论文(设计)没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范的侵权行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的各种后果,甚至法律责任;并可以通过网络接受公众的质疑。特此郑重声明。毕业论文作者: 2012 年4月 20日【要求:宋体四号字】 3 、英文摘要范例: Abstract The Old Man and the Sea ,a masterpiece by Ernest Hemingway, is profound and far-reaching. Many scholars and critics have tried to study this writing from different angles, such as the theme, tragedy and delightfulness, image of Santiago and soon. As we know, being distinguished from many greatest American writers, Hemingway is noted for his writing style. Among all his works, The Old Man and the Sea is the most typical one which can show his unique writing style, so this paper tries to analyze Hemingway style in The Old Man and the Sea from the stylistic angles. First, feature of the language. We can easily find the language in The Old Man and the Sea is very simple and natural. Hemingway always chooses the words which are concrete, specific , monly used and conversational, but actually the simple language is deliberate and artificial. The simplicity is highly suggestive, and it often reflects the strong undercurrent of emotion. Second, “ the principle of the iceberg ”, meaning that “ seven-eighths ” of the story lies below the surface parts that show ( Guo ,2005 ). The Old Man and the Sea reflects Hemingway ’s efforts to reduce his language and convey the meanings by using a few and simple words. Third, the modernistic approaches of narration. The author always expresses his own feelings in the story by the free change of the narrator. And the persona ’s monologue and stream of consciousness show an objective presentation of the story without the author ’s involvement. Ina word, The Old Man and the Sea isa perfect example of Hemingway ’s unique writing style.