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上传人:科技星球 2021/11/15 文件大小:14 KB





劳远司 黄成代 梁盛
B 1002-8714(2020)06-0151-01
【Abstract】 Objective: Taking Beckman au5800 automatic biochemical analyzer as an example, to explore the error analysis and traceability between different detection modules of the same biochemical analyzer. Methods: P1 and P2 were selected to compare the precision of six biochemical indexes of serum, to explore the differences between the two modules, and to explore the traceability of the results. Results: the precision of P1 and P2 modules of Beckman au5800 automatic biochemical analyzer for six serum biochemical indexes was better, the coefficient of variation of the two modules was between % and %, and there was a certain difference between four of the six serum biochemical indexes (P < ); after the consistency test, P1 module and P2 module were in six serum The error value of biochemical index test decreased obviously, both were within the acceptable range, and the consistency of the two modules was obvious (P > ). Conclusion: in the two modules of Beckman au5800 automatic biochemical analyzer, there will be some differences in the detection of different items, and some items will also have obvious system errors, but after the consistency debugging and calibration, the system errors or proportion errors can be significantly reduced.


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