文档介绍:广西大学 2009 届本科毕业生论文中文摘要目前,节能环保成为世界性的问题,成为影响人类生活质量及后代发展的一个非常重要的课题。我国作为一个发展中的人口大国,能源消费量与日剧增。虽然经济建设取得了很大的成就,但同时也因此付出了沉重的环境和资源的代价。本文主要针对国内运行中的中小型工业锅炉效率低、耗能大、污染严重的特点,通过以中小型锅炉为研究对象,在总结归纳众多的专家学者研究成果的基础上,分析各类常见中小型锅炉的优缺点并对一些工业锅炉的常见的问题提出改造方向,以设计出效率高、低耗能的锅炉。本文将介绍一些科技含量比较高、环保节能型的锅炉,并且从国家政策、现行的管理制度和监管体制、锅炉的原料以及对提高锅炉效率、锅炉节能的主要影响因素进行分析,最后针对组环式热水锅炉进行计算分析,阐述它的一些先进的技术措施及思路,并归纳总结其如何提高效率,以求能为我国工业锅炉的节能减排环保做出一点贡献。关键词: 中小型锅炉节能环保效率改造广西大学 2009 届本科毕业生论文 Research Status of Small a nd Medium-Sized Boiler a nd I mprovement on Energy Saving for a Boiler ABSTR AC T At present, energy saving and environmental protection has e a worldwide problem, affecting the quality of human life and next generations. As a developing country with a large population ,China es more and more depengd on energy ,the consumption of energy increase day by we have made a great progress in the economic development achievements ,but at the same time we also paid a heavy price for the environment and natural resources. This paper mainly research the domestic operations of small and medium-sized industrial boilers, low efficiency, energy consumption, and the characteristics of serious pollution. By research small and medium-sized boiler and summary the result of huge number of experts and scholars ’ research on this subject,after the basis ananlys of various types of advantages and disadvantages of small and medium-sized boilers and industrial boilers ,this paper will discuss some issues about small and medium-sized boiler and give suggestions and improvement schemes onhow to design a efficient and energysaving this passage,I ’ ll introduce some high-tech , energy saving boilers and analyse the factors of national policy, existing management system and monitoring system as well as raw material of ,I’ ll also investigate how to make boiler more efficient and energy saving . Describing some of its advanced technology initiatives and ideas and summarized how to improve their efficiency a