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上传人:学习的一点 2021/11/16 文件大小:15 KB





Being disappointed is all about perspective. It took me a long time to realize this. I was under the impression that if someone did something I didn't like, or a situation evolved that I wasn't happy with, then I had the “right” to be disappointed. Of course the disappointment always led to me having the “right” to be upset, depressed, frustrated or even angry. After all, the situation didn't turn out the way it was supposed to, or a particular person didn't behave the way I believed they should. Therefore, it was disappointing to me and I felt let down. I never once thought it was just my perception of the matter that was causing my disappointment and that I could control this!所有失望都来源于希望,这是我花了很长时间才明白的。我一直抱着这样的想法,如果有人做了我不喜欢的事,或形势发展不如我所愿,我就有“权利”失望。当然了,失望总会导致我有 “权利”烦恼、消沉、失意,甚至生气。总之,只要形势发展的结果不是我所期望的,或者某个特殊人物的行为方式是我认为他不该有的,就会令我失望,我就会感到沮丧。我从没想到正是自己对事物的认知角度引起了自己的失望,而那是自己可以控制的!    What I slowly began to realize through studying myself, as well as paying attention to others around me, was that those things that would upset me, would not upset someone else. I also noticed that those things that appeared to be the biggest deal to someone else, only made me laugh. So what was going on? Obviously, it couldn't be the situation itself because that was the one constant thing in each equation. What did change was who was interpreting the situation. That was what was


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