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SCI 投稿 ISE_IanBeecroft.ppt

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SCI 投稿 ISE_IanBeecroft.ppt



文档介绍:Three part presentation A. Manuscript preparation and submission B. mon reasons for rejection C. Handling ments A. Manuscript preparation and submission A. Fundamental questions What do you have to say? Is it worth saying? What is the right format? What is the audience? What is the right journal? A. Before you start Define study team and roles Think about eventual authorship situation Search the literature thoroughly Talk to a statistician about study design and subsequent analysis Randomised control trials (RCT) should be registered and follow a checklist like CONSORT A. Search engines overview Free search tools : ? PubMed (http:// ) ? Google (http:// ) ? Google Scholar (http:// scholar. ) ? HighWire Portal ( http:// ) Specialised portals : ? portal ( http:// ) Subscription based: ? ISI Web of Science ( http:// apps. ) ? Scopus ( http:// ) ? ******@Ovid ( http:// ) ? MD Consult ( http:// ) A. Right journal for you? PubMed/MedLine/Current Contents listing ISI Impact factor average number of times published papers are cited up to two years after publication Print circulation and on-line usage Do you peers/assessors read it? History/prestige/society affiliation Review/publication speed Articles cited in your reference list lead you to the right choice of journal A. Targeting journals - significance of work Global – go for big international multidisciplinary journal like: Nature, Science, PNAS, Lancet, NEJM Within discipline – go for international speciality journal like: Circulation, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Brain Research, Cancer Letters Local – go for national level journal – like Italian Journal of Pediatrics, Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Confirmation or Repeat study (Me too) – go for high acceptance rate journal – often author-pays – like PLoSONE , munications Specify significance ? State clearly in the ‘ Introduction ’ the significance of your work: international,


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