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– Have you finished your report yet? – No, I’ll finish in another ten minutes.
– I haven’t heard from Henry for a long time. – What do you suppose has happened to him?(考试题)
– I will be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? – Not at all. I would be happy to.(考试题)
– I’m sorry I broke your mirror. – Really? It doesn’t matter.
– If you want to change for a double room, you’ll have to pay another $15.
– Is this raincoat yours? – No, mine is hanging there behind the door. (考试题)
– Jack can’t have arrived yet,otherwise he would have telephoned me.
– Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me. – I’m glad you like it.
– There is a Mr. Wilson on the phone for you. – I’m in the bath.
– There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. – It couldn’t have been a comfortable journey.
– We are all going to the games. – Why don’t you come along? 一起来
– When shall we meet again?- Make it any day you like;it’s all the same to me.
– You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. – Well, now I regret having done that. 你在会议上提反对意见,真是太勇敢了。不过我现在后悔那样做了。
"The Ikea effect" is when people buy and then construct products themselves, they develop an attachment or sense of pride to this object. "The Ikea effect" leads people to value things that they assemble, customize or build themselves more highly than premade, finished goods. “宜家效应”指人们自己购买并动手制作产品时,会产生对该产品的依恋感或自豪感。“宜家效应”让人们珍视自己组装、定制或建造的东西多过那些预先做好的成品。
"The men and women at Alcoholics Anonymous have one goal in common: to stop drinking. When we meet, some of us talk about how our drinking has damaged our personal and professional lives. At first, it was hard for me to BARE MY SOUL. But, by sharing my pain as well as my strength and hope with others, I was able to stay sober and help others to recover." 在戒酒互助组织“戒酒无名会”里,人们有共同的目标,那就是停止喝酒。在我们大家开会的时候,一些人会谈到酗酒怎样