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文档介绍:充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 1 棉花裸苗移栽机取苗机构设计与仿真摘要: 本文主要阐述了棉花裸苗移栽的意义, 介绍了国内外棉花移栽机的研究现状, 讨论了我国目前棉花移栽机及其取苗机构存在的问题, 并对取苗机构进行了研究与设计。研究与设计的主要对象既是气动机械手的总体结构设计和气动设计, 以及运用 PLC 编程对整个机械手进行动作顺序的控制。气动机械手是能模仿人手和臂的某些动作功能,用以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的自动操作装置。它可代替人的繁重劳动以实现生产的机械化和自动化, 能在有害环境下操作以保护人身安全,因而广泛应用于机械制造、冶金、电子、轻工和原子能等部门。关键词: 移栽机;取苗机构;气动机械手; 充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 2 Cotton N aked S eedling F etching M echanism D esign a nd S imulation A bstract : This article mainly expresses the significance of cotton nude transplanting and introduces the research status of cotton transplanting machine at home and abroad. It also discusses the problems of cotton transplanting machine and take the seedlings institutions. Furthermore, a research and design about taking the seedlings institutions has been made. The main object of the research and design are both aerodynamic design and aerodynamic design of the overall structure of the robot, as well as the use of PLC programming for the entire robot action sequence control. Pneumatic manipulator is an automatic operating device, which can imitate certain actions of the hands and arms, aiming to crawl ata fixed program, carrying objects or operating tools. It can replace the heavy labor to achieve the mechanization and automation of production, and can operate in hazardous environments to protect the personal safety. Therefore, it has been widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and the Atomic Energy and other departments. Key words : the t ransplanting m achine; S eedling f etching m echanism; t hep neumatic m anipulator 充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 3 1前言棉花是我国重要的经济作物之一,在我国棉花种植历史悠久,种植面积广。随着棉花种植技术水平的提高,从20世纪 60年代至今,棉花种植技术主要经历了三个阶段, 一是种子直播,二是棉花育苗移栽,典型的为营养钵育苗移栽,三是棉花无土育苗移栽技术,也称之为基质育苗技术。由于无土育苗技术具有很多的优越性,棉花无土育苗移栽已成为棉花种植的趋势,为棉花机械化移栽创造了良好的条件]1[。我国棉花单产量很高,但是我国的棉花生产方式仍然比较落后、机械化程度不高, 其中棉苗移栽大部分采用人工移栽,机械化移栽程度不足 30% ,严重制约了棉花生产规模化与产量的提高。目前棉花移栽大多采用钵苗移栽,裸苗移栽机具较少。随着无土育苗技术的不断成熟,无土育苗基质培育棉苗优点受到了广泛的关注。运用无土育苗技术培育出的幼苗生长健壮,根系发达,移栽时无载体,幼苗不出现