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文档介绍:浙江首批三峡移民的经济适应——兼论模糊人情化扶持的非预期后果刘志军孙泽建?浙江大学社会学系摘要:基于对 2000 年8月从奉节县迁移到浙江嘉善和长兴的首批 142 户移民的田野调查,考察了他们从经济上适应当地生活的基本情况、主观评价、群内差异与影响因素等,并着重分析了地方政府在移民生产适应过程中扮演的角色:一方面,在“维稳”压力下,地方政府在行政执法、就业安排等方面为移民提供粗放的“特殊照顾”,这种模糊的人情化安排,导致移民间个体工商业活动的简单模仿、用工单位策略性拒招“受到保护”的三峡移民等非预期后果的出现;另一方面,来自政府积极明晰的制度化扶持的不足,使部分移民陷入经济上的困顿,出现诸如对老家经济生产方式的盲目移植等情况。认为应加强对移民的明晰制度化支持,扩大生产扶持项目制定和开展中移民的有效参与,增强扶持资金使用的透明度;减少或避免模糊的人情化安排,明确帮扶年限,并通过适当提高市场性补偿力度,以消减附着于三峡移民身上的悲情色彩与政治优越感,逐步揭除移民身份认同中的自我牺牲标签,从而使移民能进行更为恰当与合适的自我定位,促进移民与迁入地原居民的相互接纳,实现较少后遗症的移民社会融入。关键词:三峡移民;经济适应;模糊人情化扶持;明晰制度化支持 Economic Adaptation of the First Batch of Three Gorges Migrants in Zhejiang —— Unintended Consequences of Unspecified Support out of Kindness LIU Zhijun SUN Zejian 浙江省重点研究基地社科规划课题( 10JDDF03YB )、中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目、浙江省“之江青年社科学者”行动计划( ZJQN2011T8-2 )研究成果。浙江大学郑书香、王方、张倩、钱静、叶延禹及广西民族大学的华骁、哈尔滨师范大学的丁梦蕾同学参与了此次调查,特此致谢! ?作者刘志军,男,湖南武冈人,浙江大学社会调查研究中心、浙江大学地方政府与社会治理研究中心副教授,博士。 Email : ******@zju. 。孙泽建(通讯作者),男,浙江杭州人,浙江大学社会学系学生。 Email: ******@zju. 。 22 Abstract: This article analyses the economic adaptation of the first batch of Three Gorges Migrants in Zhejiang based on households were resettled in Jiashan and Changxing in August 2000; general features, subjective evaluations, within-group differences and influencing factors of their economic life are discussed. Particular attention is given to the role played by local governments in the process of migrants ’ improving of their economic adaptability: on the one hand, under the pressure of maintaining social stability, local governments tend to provide migrants with "special care" in administrative execution and employment arrangements which is conceptualized as” unspecified support out of kindness ” in this article. This kind of support leads to unintended consequences such as simple imitation among migrants ’ mercial activities and rejection of "protected" Three Gorges migrants strategically by employment units; On the other hand, some migrants suffer from economic hardship due to lack of speci