文档介绍:充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 I 摘要选煤厂的筛分机数量很多,所以对筛分机的要求也越来越高。不但要求它具有较高的生产率、较好的筛分效率或脱水效果、较低的动力消耗;而且还要具备结构简单、制造容易、安装维修方便等机械性能。由于滚轴筛、圆筒筛上述性能较差,在使用上受到了限制,逐渐被工艺效果好、构造简单、维修方便的振动筛所代替。自同步振动筛是一种广泛用于散体物料分级的设备。在选煤等工业领域,用于分级、脱水、脱泥和脱介。其筛分性能尤其重要。本文系统地阐述了双电机自同步振动筛的应用现状和发展趋势,论述了设计高效双电机自同步振动筛的必要性;同时对双电机自同步振动筛的原理进行了分析,计算了振动筛的动力学参数、运动学参数,设计计算了激振器的轴、偏振块的参数和结构, 减震装置,筛框的设计,并进行联轴器的选型等。关键词:双电机;自同步振动筛;激振器充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 II Abstract The large number of Washery screening machine . so the demands on the screening machine also getting higher and higher. It isnot only demand higher productivity . better screening efficiency or effectiveness dehydration . low power consumption .but also with simple structure . easy to manufacture . installation and maintenance convenient mechanical properties. As roller sieve . sieve cylinder of the poor .by the use of restrictions have been gradually effect of good . simple structure and easy maintenance replaced by the shaker. In this paper . systematically expounded the two-synchronous motor shaker since the application status and trends on the design of highly efficient dual-synchronous motor shaker since the necessity of the dual-motor while simultaneously shaker since the principle of the analysis . calculate the shaker The parameters . parameters of kinematics . design and calculation of the axis of the exciter . the parameters and polarization block structure . damping device . the screen box design and coupling the selection. Key words : double motor ; self -synchronous motor ; shaker v ibrator 充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 目录摘要.......................................................................................................................................... I Abstract .................................................................................................................................. II 第1章绪论......................................................................................................................... 1 引言..........