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上传人:1660287**** 2021/11/23 文件大小:29 KB





Dear Amazon seller support:
Thanks for your concern of our account. We received a notification on Jan. 23rd that our selling privilege has been removed cause we might sold counterfeit immediately check our listings. (The related item: BO******, Bo* * * * * *)
Now we confirm that the two specified product are generic(no brand), we have also checked the brand and the Intellectual Property Rights (especially the Design Patents) on USPTO. It has not been registered in the local market, for example North America and Europe. The title, brand and description of our listing are mark as "Generic”, which means that we never aim at misleading our customei; and we also never mean to infringe the Amazon Policy.
But as for your well-meaning warning, we will take actions to prevent it happen again:
Absolutely, we will see through all the policies and rules about selling on your platform.
We will check the listings in our account to see if there has some which do not meet your requirements, if it does, we will fix it immediately. We will also not use our seller name for Brand or Manufacturer information
We will check all the products we've been sold, any complaints or product issues we will solve them in proper way within 12h in favor of the customer's right.
Before we sell some product, we will confirm the intellectual property of the product. And we promise this will never happen again.
And now our brand is under applying, after Mar .18th ,we can submit the Brand Registration to Amazon, and then we will sell our own product which have the intellectual property rights as well as our own LOGO and package.
If any selling questions, we will consult Amazon for help.
Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon.
We believe Amazon will give this issue a serious consideration, and to us, there is a hope, a new chance for us!
Look forward to receive your reply.
Best regards
Seller Account: *******@**.com


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