文档介绍:建筑设计防火规范 GB50016
建筑设计防火规范 GB50016-2006》中规定如下:
6 消防车道
街区内的道路应考虑消防车的通行,。 时,应设置穿过建筑物的消防车道。当确有困难时,应设置环形消防车道。
有封闭内院或天井的建筑物, 时,宜设置进入内院或天井的消防车道。
超过3000 个座位的体育馆、超过2000 个座位的会堂和占地面积大于3000m2 的展览馆等公共建筑,宜设置环形消防车道。
占地面积大于3000m2 的甲、乙、丙类厂房或占地面积大于1500m2 的乙、丙类仓库,应设置环形消防车道,确有困难时,应沿建筑物的两个长边设置消防车道。
1 规定的堆场、储罐区,宜设置环形消防车道。
2 占地面积大于30000m2 的可燃材料堆场,应设置与环形消防车道相连的中间消防车道,。液化石油气储罐区,甲、乙、丙类液体储罐区,可燃气体储罐区,区内的环形消防车道之间宜设置连通的消防车道。
3 。
4 中间消防车道与环形消防车道交接处应满足消防车转弯半径的要求。 堆场、储罐区的储量
棉、麻、毛、化纤 (t) 稻草、麦秸、芦苇 (t)
木材 (m3)
甲、乙、丙类液体储罐 (m3)
液化石油气储罐 (m3)
罐 (m3)
储 量
1000 5000
seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more than 2 mm per metre, not more than ? 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, water pressure test for strength and hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPVC drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100~DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into structural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installatio