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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/16 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:I 摘要带式输送机是输送能力最大的连续输送机械之一。其结构简单、运行平稳、运转可靠、能耗低、对环境污染小、便于集中控制和实现自动化、管理维护方便,在连续装载条件下可实现连续运输。本论文主要涉及了带式输送机的机械设计和电器原理设计部分。带式输送机的机械设计程序分两步,第一步是初步设计,主要是通过理论上的计算选出合适的输送机部件。其中包括输送带的类型和带宽选择、带式输送机线路初步设计、托滚及其间距的选择、滚筒的选择、电动机、减速器、推杆制动器、液压软起动的选择等;第二步是施工设计,主要根据初步设计选定的滚筒、托滚、驱动装置完成对已选部件的安装与布置图纸设计工作。最后,在机械设计的基础上,完成了对输送机的保护装置及其电器原理设计。电器控制主要通过可编程控制器实现( PLC ) 关键词:带式输送机;驱动装置;可编程控制器 II ABSTRACT Belt conveyor transmission capacity isone of the largest continuous transporting m ac hine s. Its structure is simple 、 smooth operation 、 reliable functioning, and low consumption, little pollution, easy centralized control and automation And the continuous transportation of the facilities can be achieved in essive loading. The paper is mainly about the mechanical design and electrical principles belt conveyor design. There are two steps of designing the belt conveyor machinery. the first step is the preliminary design, mainly through theoretical calculations elected suitable ponents. Including travel and the type of bandwidth selection, preliminary design belt conveyor lines, roll up their space options, roller choice, electric motors, reducer, push rod brakes, hydraulic soft start option; The second step is the construction design, based primarily on the preliminary design selected roller, roll up, driven devices pleted the installation of ponents of the design and layout drawings. Finally, in the mechanical design basis for carriers plete the design principles of the protection devices and appliances. the control of electrical equipment can be achieved primarily through programmable controller (PLC) Keywords: belt conveyor ; driven devices ; programmable controller III 目录摘要.................................................................................................. I ABSTRACT ....................................................................................... II 1绪论.............................................................................................. 1 输送机的发展与现状..............