I have heard that you are upset because of the coming exam. I have some suggestions. Hope they can help you.
In my point of view, the result of the exam is not most important, don’t care too much about it, and just try your best. Besides, don’t add too much pressure on yourself, take it easy and have a good rest instead of working hard all day. What’s more, remember that confidence is the first step on the road to success.
I have any reason to believe that you will pass the exam with flying colors.
Actually, learning is just a process of growing up., and the exam result is not as important as the process of learning. Always believe in yourself and stay optimistic. Youth is not a time of life. It’s just a state of mind. One will always be young unless he gives up facing challenges. Before taking exams. You can try some easy questions to build up your confidence. You can also go jogging in the evening to relax and refresh yourself. I hope the advice will be helpful. Well, good luck, Betty.
In your latest letter, you told me you were so worried about the coming exam that you couldn’t even sleep. I feel sorry to hear that and I have some suggestions for you.
From my point of view, exams aren’t disasters. If you are ready for it. It will be a show to prove your hard work. You said you cared about t