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一、 重复中心思想
结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,使首尾遥相互应。增强语言表达力度, 达到再次肯定和强调的作用。但不要为结束文章而单纯的重复起始的文字。
二、 作出结论
文章最后用几句话提纲挈领地概括全文内容,中肯切要,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想、 作者的观点。
三、 引经据典
用格言、谚语或****语等富有哲理性的语句总结全文,既言简意赅又有很强的说服力。此 种结尾方法给人以语言平淡而情感强烈的印象,让人读来顿生感悟,具有启发思维的作用。 还可使用修辞手法,通过套用句型、改变词语来灵活用典。
四、 反问结尾
用反问提出问题供读者思考的结尾方式,间接阐述作者的观点。以反问结束全文,发人 深省,令人回味,引发读者思考。
五、 提出展望或期望
1) Almost everyone would agree that the birth / appearance / arrival / development of sth. ••- 2) But this agreement ceases to exist just when it comes to…(议论的主 题)
3) Many / Some people contend / believe / argue that••- (方观点)4) They base their contention / belief / argument on the grounds that••-(理由 I) 5)Besides, as they often point out, ...(理由 II) 6)Yet others react to the issue / matter the other way around and hold / assert that the opposite is just reasonable / more acceptable. (另一方观点)7) From their angle of view, ••-(理由 I) 8) And even worse, as they claim,…(理由 II)
9) I am of / adhere to / stick to the opinion / view / truth that anything new, including---, can bring human socie ty for tu nes / meri ts / adv an tages or misfor tu nes / demer its / di sad van tages, all depending on ..・(我的看法)10) On the one hand, … (理由 I) 11) But on the other, ...(理由 II) 12) In short, the key / solution to the problem is always controlled in …
1) As can be seen from the graph / table / diagram, there have been drastic / considerable / unfavorable changes in …(议论的主题)over the past period from _ to
2) To be concre te, •••only* in _(year) while / whereas the rot io (s) went up t o … in __ (year).(变化概述)
3) These changes are most disturbing, so it is necessary for us to go into the whys and wherefores of them first.
4) Some changes, such as …, resuIt from …,but many others have much to do with …
5) In the first place, man' s excessive exploitation of …has done a lasting damage to …,only to …(原因分析I)
6) …(进一步说明)
7) In the second, in order to …,man has had to overwork …,which in turn has accelerated…(原因分析II)
8) In the third, man?