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Module 5要点归纳
Unit One Getting along with others
P. 1-3重要词汇
betray ;暴露 feel betrayed 觉得被出卖 betray one' s country 出卖
His acce nt bet rayed his natio nol ity. 暴露
His accent gives him away. 他的口音出卖了他。
(in) that way 那样
have a surprise Maths test
be worried about
get/ score a good mark
overlook one' s studies 忽视学习 overlook the h订 1 俯瞰

admit one' s mistake admit doing sth., admit that…
He admitted having stolen the He admitted that he had stolen the car.
Without his permission, nobody can be admitted into the room. 允许
He is admitted to Beijing 。
afterwards 后来
promise to do…承诺去做…
go straight to…径直前往
not any more 不再
feel like doing feel 1 ike + 从句(通常不带 that)
I didn' t feel 1 ike I was overlooking my studies.
keep one' s secret 保守秘密
stare at凝视着;盯着 glare at 瞪着(生气地)
fix one' s eyes on… 凝视; 目不转睛地看着 with one' s eyes fixed on…
de libera tely 故意的 on purpose
keep one' s word 信守诺言 break one' s word 违背诺言 eat one' s word 认错道 歉;收回说过的话 have a word with have words with with a quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架 in a/one word 总之 in other words换句话说
Word came that***. 有消息说 (that同位语从句)。
dilemma 进退两难的处境,窘境 in a dilemma have a dilemma
swear-swore-sworn vt. 发誓 He swore that he didn' t know the truth. swear at
forgive-forgave-forgiven vt. 宽恕,原谅 forgive sb. for being rude 原
focus vt/vi 集中注意力 focus on••- focus…on•••
as a result /therefore 结果; 因此
as a resu It of/because of/due to/owing to/on accou nt of 因为; 由于
yell vi/n. 吼叫 yell sb.
23 .mean刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的
have a mean opinion of oneself 有自卑感
be mean about/over/with money 在金钱上很小气 be mean to 亥!J薄
keep on saying mean things 反复说刻薄的话
cruel 刻毒的 cruelty n. be cruel to sb.
stand-stood-stood a book stand 书摊
Can you stand the pain?你受得住这疼痛吗?
I cannot stand waiting any 。(stand后接名词、动名 词)
apologize vi 道歉 apologize to sb. for 向某人道歉
apology n. 道歉 make an apology to sb for sth