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Trans Nationals.doc

上传人:lxydx 2016/7/17 文件大小:0 KB


Trans Nationals.doc


文档介绍:Trans Nationals Ona snowy day in 2013 , Xiaobu told his mother that he was , in fact , her son. That was , he told NewsChina , the second time in his life that he had cried. “ Boys don ’t cry ,” he said. Xiaobu ’ s mother was driving at the time. He recalled how she was looking straight ahead. After a while , his mother broke the silence. “ So, we never had a girl in our home ?”“I’m sorry for not treating you in the way you wanted ,” she went on. Growing up, whenever Xiaobu ’s younger brother called him “ sis- ter ,” Xiaobu would get mad. On that day , when they arrived home , Xiaobu ’s younger brother greeted him as he usually did. Their mother corrected her younger son. “ This is your older brother ,” she said. Minority 17-year-old Xiaobu looks older than his peers. He is modest and polite. He has a habit of tugging at his newly sprouted beard when he talks. mencing hormone therapy , his voice has deepened , and his menstrual cycle has ceased. “ It feels great ,” he said. Warnings about side effects such as hair loss , osteoporosis or stunted growth don ’t concern Xiaobu. He feels he has waited long enough ?C 17 years?C for the body he belongs in. During Xiaobu ’s first year at middle school , the changes in his body , particularly menstruation and growing breasts , he said , made him “ sick. ” Initially , he thought he might bea lesbian ?C his attraction to pretty classmates