文档介绍:指标体系具有较强的可操作性,层次分析法和模糊综合相结合对CZ银行战略绩效得出较合理的评价,从而为其它商业银行战略绩效评价提供指导。关键词:平衡计分卡;商业银行;绩效评价;战略地图;模糊综合评价 RESEARCH ON STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE EVALUATION MERCIAL BANK BASED 0N BALANCED SC0RECARD AB STRACT With thedeepening process ofeconomic globalization,the domestic banking environment petition among banks isgreatly fierce. Faced with new challenges andopportunities mercial banks have made strategy ofbanking development with their own actualdevelopment. However,the traditional evaluation system based on financialover-emphasis on the bank’Sshort—term profitability indicatorsignore theinvestigation oftheimportant factors,such asintemalprocesses,customerrelations,human capital on the banks of sustainablle development,which has been unable to adapt to environmental changes and requirements ofbanks , existingperformance evaluation mercial banks lacksstrategic directionand separates from strategicmanagement,which made itdifficult toeffectivelyguide the implementation ofthebanking ,how tobuild a scientificand reasonable perforrflance evaluation system incloseconnection mercial bank strategic objectives isthe focus ofthisstudy. On thebasis oftheoretical study ofperformance evaluation ofdomestic and mercial bining withproblems intheperformance evaluation of China’Scommercial banks,this paper try tobuild astrategicperformance evaluation system mercial bank based on theBalanced Scorecard;Review theresearch results oftheperformance evaluation ofdomestic and mercial banks, clearlyput forward theconnotation ofstrategyperformance evaluation mercial banks,elaborate theoriesofstrategyperformance evaluation mercial banks and sort out the Balanced Scorecard related theories;On this basis,against with the operating characteristics mercial banks and the status ofperformance evaluation,this paper analyze theapplicability oftheBalanced Scorecard instrategic performance evaluation of mercial banks,and further put forward implementation steps to