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Displacement Map Using Spectral Operators.pdf

上传人:yzhluyin1 2016/7/19 文件大小:0 KB


Displacement Map Using Spectral Operators.pdf



文档介绍:Proceedings of the 5 th internati ona l CAID&CD confere n ce, Hangzhou, C h i n a Oct o ber 18 -2 0, 20 03 Displacement Map Using Spectral Operators Chensheng W a ng, Joris S. M. V e r g eest D e partm e nt puter -A ided D e sig n E ngi ne erin g Delft Uni v ersi ty of T e ch no lo gy Land ber g straa t 1 5 , N L -2 62 8 CE D e lft , T h e N e th erla nds { g, . m . ver g eest, g ers}***@io. tu de l ABSTRA CT Dis p lacem ent m a p is a m odelin g t echniqu e th at cr ea tes s h ape b y mapping th e height field of th e complicated sh ape feature on the surfac e of th e tar g e t shape , which is pref erabl e in descr i bin g sophisticated f e ature d e tails. This paper in vestigates th e techn i ques for f a s t cr eat ion of t h e dis p l acem en t m a p bas e d on the r i ch res ear c h ach ievem e n t s of s h ape an al ys is and dig ita l signal pro cessin g . Th e possibility that fuses m u lti-disciplin e knowledge with that of shape modeling is explored . A generalized shape s y nthesis op er ation in fr equ e ncy domain is form ulated, as well as s h ape c ontrols to ach ie vem e nt s p ec ifi c m a pping ef fe ct s , s u ch as s p herical mappin g , cy lindr ical mapping and n o rmal field mapping. The pro posed approach prehensive y e t flexib le con t rol in sh ape modeling. Some sh