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材料无机化学英文版课件 (4).pdf

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材料无机化学英文版课件 (4).pdf

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材料无机化学英文版课件 (4).pdf



文档介绍:E = -(Ae 2 Z + Z -N)r - 1 + BNe - r/ ρ- CNr -- 6+ ν omax HΨ= E Ψ MATERIALS ANIC CHEMISTRY dU /dr = 0 2 ? APB 2010 材料无机化学 S65010020 My name: Andrew Peter Baker (Baker is my family name). You also need to know my assistant: If you have a difficulty with speaking to me in English about anything related to the course then speak to him and, if necessary, he will contact me. a PhD student. Desk in Block D, Room 304. e -mail: ******@hitsz. Xie Zuopeng 谢作朋 E = -(Ae 2 Z + Z -N)r - 1 + BNe - r/ ρ- CNr -- 6+ ν omax HΨ= E Ψ MATERIALS ANIC CHEMISTRY dU /dr = 0 2 ? APB 2010 材料无机化学 S65010020 My office is D block Room 415. e -mail: ******@hitsz. What is meant by : Materials anic Chemistry ? prefix in = not + organic Materials Science is at the interface of: Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Materials anic Chemistry Look in detail at these groups of materials. anic ‘the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with position of substances and their properties and reactions.’ Chemistry is defined as: Aluminas Carbides Ceramics Nitrides Zirconias Soda glass Borosilicates Glasses Glass -ceramics posites Sandwiches Hybrids Lattices Foams Plus some mention of elastomers . Elastomers Silicones Q. Why are chemists good at solving problems ? A. They have all the solutions. See the coursework book: “Materials Chemistry” for a description (Chapter 1) on: What is Materials Chemistry? You should all have a copy of the coursework book. This will be used in class . E = -(Ae 2 Z + Z -N)r - 1 + BNe - r/ ρ- CNr -- 6+ ν omax HΨ= E Ψ MATERIALS ANIC CHEMISTRY dU /dr = 0 2 ? APB 2010 材料无机化学 S65010020 Materials anic Chemistry [ 材料无机化学];course content: ?1. The chemical elements, atomic bonding, and structure. ?Includes : ?Introduction. ?Periodic Table and availability of the chemical elements. ?Electronegativity . ?Crystal chemistry and space groups. ?Nonstoichiometry and solid solutions. ?Phase transitions. ?2. Ceram


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