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上传人:君者无敌 2021/11/28 文件大小:23 KB





文档介绍:IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】
professional tools - 嚢窃冷匂  
 nutter tools - 延蓑冷匂   
precious protection - 纱诺契起丗
  aspirine - 纱诺僮
  you wont take me alive - 纱2幸少贺廛低议佛佛
  leave me alone - 少贺佛佛延巣
  a pleasant day - 挫爷赈  
 a lovely day - 阶挫爷赈  
 a bit drieg - 埚爷  
 cats and dogs - 嚏爷  
 cant see a thing - 零爷
  panzer - 公低幸鹉针
  life is passing me by - 扮寂狛谊厚酔
  big bang - 现除侭嗤概徨卯姆
  still like dressing up - 算螺社议繁丽
  fight fight fight - 瞬贫繁嬉尺
  nobody likes me - 好似偏酎夛撹厚寄彬垦
  our god given right to bear arms - 瞬贫侭嗤繁嗤冷匂
  on speed - 恠议厚酔
  booooooring - 恠议厚蛸
  wheels are all ineed - 概徨音需..峪嗤态徨
  come fly with me - 稼哮敬栖敬肇?概氏闘?
  grip is everything - 概曽嗤岛廿起符孔嬬(shift)
  chases tat - 2薪佛参贫?币箪闷雫艶
  chicks with guns - 返和延镇M4议MM?念戻谊恂析寄?
  i cant take it anymore - 徭姫
  green light - 侭嗤碕駄菊延駄
  miami traffic - 揃贫概徨蚀议载酔
  ah air dresser scar - 揃贫议概畠延撹从弼
  i want it pain ted black - 揃贫议概畠延撹卯姆朔议冲弼
  travel in style - 概徨氏敬
  the last ride - 公低汇曽壤撰概
  rock and roll car - 公低汇曽裟鲭塾概
  rubbish car - 公低汇曽征侍概
  get the refast - 公低汇曽 SABRE TURBO
  better than walking - 公低汇曽caddy
  look like lance - LANCE讨券  
 my son is a lawyer - 舵弗讨券  
 i look like hilary - HILARY SKIN
  rock and roll man - 辧狱玲宀讨券
  one armed bandit - 脓义讨券  
 i dont have the money sonny - MAFIOSI SKIN
  sea ways - 概辛参压邦戦蚀?燃眠和邦?
  loads of little things - 怒概概态延寄(叙INFERNUS、CHEETAH)
  hopingirl - 现除议繁贫低议概
  air ship - 酔友氏闘软栖
  foxy little thing - MAFIOSI DAUGHTER SKIN ?溺隅?
  we love our dick - SCOTTISH SKIN ?扣鲤声繁?
  get there quickly - 谊欺酔概徨
  get there very fast indeed - 谊欺阶酔概
  get there amazingly fast - 谊欺阶阶酔概
  fanny magnet - 溺繁胁氏瓜低帘哈
  cheats have been cracked - BALDGUY SKIN
  certain death - 恁戦巨効冖
  deep fried mars bars - 延砥
  programmer - 延保  
 panzer - 鹉针
professional tools - 嚢窃冷匂  
 nutter tools - 延蓑冷匂   
precious protection - 纱诺契起丗
  aspirine - 纱诺僮
  you wont take me alive - 纱2幸少贺廛低议佛佛
  leave me al