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文档介绍:Abstract M觚y唧e∞of modem scientificresearch are closely linkedwiththetargetobject of me lc scattering and radiation characteristics such aS microstrip ante】[111aS, m曲。speed PCB board,microwave circuitsandmillimeter-waveinte黜d circuitsallalvsis deslgn,geol091cal exploration,target detection,environmental monitoring,andmany other appllcatlons· ESpecially with the development puter technology, computational electromagIletlcs has e the study of ic sca溉ring and aractenstics of a11 important dlScretl础0n ic integral equations generally leads t0adense svstem of nnear equatlons,aIld itisprohibitively expensive forbothCPU timeandmemory tos01ve the resuItmg equatlon system forelectricallylargeproblems,if theconventional methods such aS uausslan eli蛐natlon isutilized·Inview ofthis,thestudy onthe风talgorit№s haS e one o士popular research areas putational paper did some research work on low pression position method,f瓠t directinverse are asfollo、vS: P1rS‘ly,baSed on themethod ofmoments(MoM),we presenta芏】i嫩oduction tothe 甜ap‘1垤cm88 approximationalgorithm(ACA),its basic concepts and detailed lmpleme咖10n ACA algorithm,the rank deficiency blocks of matnx system is如1lY utilized·Base on thisfeature,all blocks c锄be rep咒sented as theproducts oftwo low~ank matrix,and thus,much 1ess eIements are calculated and 1essmere。巧is required during them删x n啪甜cal examples arepresented t。Verify thatACA plexity ofmatrix,and alsothe error iscontrollable. number ofmatrix reduces the space and time secondly,base on therepresentation we getfrom theACA,a fastdirectinVerse method 1Sproposed: 1·111AcA algorithm,theproducts oftwo matrix are utilized toapproximate non’dlagonaI眦缸x blockS·So thenon-diagonal blocks ofthecoefficient macrix obtained bv ACA have也e form:鸣≈%%,(f≠/),%、%are low ,split an二叩eratlonwlth%、%will eventuallyconvert鸣into form:4,≈£,M,,足. thema