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文档介绍:i 货车定位导航的研究与实现摘要: 随着上海经济的快速发展,世博会的举办,越来越多地被国际所认识,因此,每年上海都会举办很多大型国际展览吸引世界各国展商前来参加。然而,城市的交通繁忙拥挤,因此,货车的定位导航,调度管理尤为的重要,因此,本课题孕育而生。本课题所实现的是货车的定位导航,拥有多账户登录、货车定位、规划行驶路线、参展预约车牌,入口签到等功能。 技术,后台数据库选择 SQL Seaver2005 。论文介绍了货车定位导航系统的功能分析与实现方法,重点介绍其设计方案与内部结构,并为此类系统提供了技术参考,最后对系统的改进和发展提出了建议和展望。关键词: 货车导航;定位; 脚本语言;网站设计;数据库 Research and Implement oft heS econd C lass C redits ofN etwork M anagement Abstract :W ith the rapid economic development of Shanghai, the hosting of the World Expo, more and more international understanding, therefore, every year Shanghai hosted many large-scale international exhibitions to attract exhibitors around the e to participate in the. However, the city traffic congestion, therefore, positioning and navigation truck, scheduling management is particularly important, therefore, the subject was born. The realization of this project is the positioning and navigation truck, with multiple account login, vehicle positioning, planning routes, the appointment of license plate, entrance sign function. In front of the system technology, SQL Seaver2005 database. This paper introduces the vehicle positioning and navigation system functional analysis and realization method, introduces the design scheme and the internal structure, and provide technical reference for this kind of system, finally, some suggestions and prospect for improvement and development of the proposed system. Keywords : Vehicle navigation ;L ocalization ;S erver script language ;W ebsite design ;D atabase ii 目录摘要................................................................................................................................................ i Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... i 1绪论........................................................................................................................................ 1 本课题的研究背景和意义................................


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