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文档介绍:TOP Solutions for
Supply Chain
Analytics and
10 Insight
Manage costs
Improve profits
These are the top priorities for supply chain executives
But executives also know supply chains must balance availability,
quality, and cost by being flexible, responsive, reliable, efficient,
and resilient.
1 PwC Global Supply Chain Survey 2013
With all of these competing
priorities, how can you quantify
the effect of your decisions?
Supply chain leaders are turning
to data discovery software to
see the whole story across
their supply chain data.
Analytics helps
leaders deliver OTIF at
compared with
89% on average2
2 PwC Global Supply Chain Survey 2013
Qlik visual analytics have
helped thousands of
companies in all industries
gain visibility across the
supply chain, collaborate
with partners, and better
understand risks and
By improving insight in 10
performance areas, supply
chain leaders are able to make
more holistic decisions while
creating a resilient and flexible
supply chain that drives growth.
1 Insight
End-to-end visibility of supply chain
performance across multiple functions
and disciplines reveals previously unseen Purity Life decreased
aged inventory from
trends and drives better decisions. Qlik
dashboards and scorecards provide this MILLION
insight, elevating supply chain priority TO
to C-level decision-makers. 358,000
“Purity Life can actually correlate a turnaround in our profits with the use of Qlik. Plain and
simple, we do everything in our business through Qlik.”
– Matthew James,


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